Cub Dubs EP – Medlar


A1: Percy
A2: Medlar & Logea - Tout Est Fin
B1: Medlar & Stu Clark - Give It Up
B2: Popup Pirate
SKU: WOLFEP075 Category:

[sonaar_audioplayer artwork_id=”″ feed=” || || ||″ feed_title=”A1: Percy || A2: Medlar & Logea – Tout Est Fin || B1: Medlar & Stu Clark – Give It Up || B2: Popup Pirate ” hide_artwork=”true” show_playlist=”true” show_track_market=”false” show_track_market=”false” hide_timeline=”true” scrollbar=”false” shuffle=”false” sticky_player=”true”][/sonaar_audioplayer]


Little wolfy number yeah? Medlar stepped up before and he’s stepping up again! This time he’s brought a couple of friends along for the ride with the WOLF OG showcasing four solid Deep House cuts with some UK & US flavours. 15 years deep and they still can’t keep us down.